On the 11th of October, in Bahrain at the Gulf hotel, the official General Assembly of the FISpT has been held correctly with 54 countries from all over the world. All these countries where present is person in Bahrain.
The AGM had the opportunity to elect the new BoD of FISpT, composed by 16 members including the reelection of the president Mr Isa Adbul Rahim Mohammed. The AGM was organized perfectly under the auspices of His Highness Sheikh Khaled Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Head of the General Body of Sports, President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee.
As Vicepresident of FISpT, vicepresident of Europe and president of the UESpT - European Sport For All Federation, it was elected Mr Michele Barbone.

Elected as first vicepresident Dr. Ahmad Saad Alsharif, Vicepresident for Asia Prof. Dr. Haruo Nogawa, vicepresident for Africa Emad Albanani and General Secretary Mr. Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Aldelawar.

FISpT’s president would like also to communicate that actually Prof. Ascani Franco, ex vicepresident of FISpT, with the support of Dr. Igor Lanzoni, in a private meeting decided to nominate themselves as new president and general secretary of the federation. They also nominated, without the consultation of any member and without passing through the General Assembly, a new “Board of directors”.
Prof. Ascani, without any permission, opened another website of FISpT trying to exclude the elected board from the management of the communication channels.
On this website, without any permission of the FISpT, it is written that you and few people had created an EGM, stating that you have elected a new Board of Directors, that Prof. Ascani has been elected as President of the Federation, and that Dr. Igor Lanzoni has been appointed as General secretary.
The president Mr. Mr Isa Adbul Rahim Mohammed is informing all the members and the media that the decision taken in the General Assembly under a democratic vote is the unique and only one valid.
Mr Isa Adbul Rahim Mohammed never called the unofficial AGM reported by prof. Ascani and any members of FISpT have never been involved in this illegal AGM. FISpT is registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain and follow, for this reason, the legal decision of the authorities of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The authorities of the Kingdom of Bahrain already acknowledge the election of Mr Isa Adbul Rahim Mohammed and FISpT is going to take all the legal steps to preserve the democratical decision of the members.
For any future information, please use the following communication channel: • https://www.facebook.com/FISpTSport4All • https://www.linkedin.com/company/fisptsport4all/ • https://www.instagram.com/fisptsport4all/ • https://twitter.com/fisptsport4all
Thanks and regards
Isa Adbul Rahim Mohammed